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Some lesser known facts about art

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

Is it that visually mesmerizing, heart throbbing blast of, often absolutely random set colors splashed onto the serene yet languid, white landscape which adds more colors to your very existence, more than that it adds to the canvas?

Or are you the one who can get enchanted when that melancholic string gets struck, as you reckon what it might be you yearn, as the music tells you what it might be, stirring up all the past emotions as if it were to stir up your soul?

Some lesser known facts about art

Well, maybe you're the reading type who finds placidity in the black and white pages, which can take you to another world more splendid in every way you know.

Let's admit we are all profoundly in love with art, and it does not matter how it manifests itself; art remains immortal, valued, and revered worldwide. And for all those who live for such artistic feasts, here are five lesser-known facts about art:

Sports and art go hand in hand.

Well, brace yourselves because this one can be a little too much. Yes, sports can be pretty artistic, but trying to strike such similarity is a claim too big to make without any evidence; hence, I'd like to present real evidence and a hard-hitting case.

Olympics awarded artists for making art that represented sports. 1912 Stockholm Olympics provided a stage for these arts.
1912 Stockholm Olympics

On the storied stage, which stands for cities, Altius Fortius promoted artistic pieces which depicted sports.

From Bronze to Gold to History!

American Walter Winans took the podium at the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm. He had already won two Olympic medals—a gold for sharpshooting at the 1908 London Games and a silver for the same event in 1912—but the gold he won at Stockholm wasn't for anything particularly athletic at all.

It was given to him for making a bronze casting; the sculpture of a horse pulling a chariot that stood 20 inches tall was named the American Totter.

1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm

This was the first incident of an art piece bringing someone to the Olympic podium.

An excellent stealing Greatness!

Well, Picasso, yes, it's about one of the paintings he has been related to quite infamously, the Mona Lisa.

The year was 1911, as the newspapers must have read the Mona Lisa had been stolen from the Louvre.

Mona Lisa

some more facts:

It happened to be a fine Tuesday morning when the famous French artist Louis Béroud arrived at the Louvre to make a copy of the Mona Lisa. But to his and everyone's disappointment, it was not there.

22 August 1911 was the day the Mona Lisa was reported as stolen to the French police, and soon enough, Pablo Picasso was arrested as one of the prime suspects for the theft.

After several rounds of trial, it was established that Picasso had nothing to do with the robbery.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that he wept multiple times in front of the judge.

'Mona Lisa' was finally recovered in 1913 when a person named Leonard claimed to have it in his possession.

The love of their lives <3

The famous 'Mona Lisa' is making yet another appearance on our list.

With this painted lady's beauty, someone was bound to fall in love with her. There were quite a few admirers of this lady.

So much so that a separate mailbox at the Louvre was dedicated to 'The Mona Lisa'. Those who doted upon her would send her flowers, poems, and love letters too.

Artist Luc Maspero

To make you understand the gravity of this thing, let's walk you through an incident;

Artist Luc Maspero allegedly jumped off the balcony of his hotel, quoting, "For years I have grappled desperately with her smile. I prefer to die."

We have already agreed that the love of art can take us far, but that far…

Now moving on to the last item on the list

Do you want to know about artists as well, here you go:

The dreamy art, or the art of his dreams?

The dreamy art

Hey, any oneironauts out there!?

It is suspected that the great painter Salvador Dali was a lucid dreamer.

Dali has himself suggested that his dreams are nothing but hand-painted dream photographs.

He was really fond of sleeping over ideas and would often get some of his best inspirations from his dreamscape and hallucinogenic imaginings.

Einstein was probably right, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." And there are some of the lesser-known facts about art specially curated for you artists…

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